Ten Lords a Leaping


Ten lords-a-leaping.  Continued study reveals some ambiguity as to the origin and religious ties to the Twelve Days of Christmas.  

It is plausible that the song was first written simply as a nonsensical bit of fun and only later were the religious connections made as a mnemonic device to assist in a Catholic catechism.  Regardless,  the meaning was made, and it is a fascinating look at some of the symbols.

So back to the ten lords-a-leaping.  Some historians have surmised that in the time the song was written the lords of the day used their long hallways for exercise and engaged in games of leap frog.  This makes me laugh to picture and I can only assume they were a bit more flexible and fit than some of the lordly men I know!

What meaningful religious matter comes in ten?  The Ten Commandments.  

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. No graven images. Do not take my name in vain.  Keep the sabbath day holy. Honor your parents. Thou shalt not kill, commit adultery, steal, lie, or covet.

Perhaps if we as collective humanity would stop leap frogging over these basic moral codes we would all have more to leap for joy about.  These were literally given to Moses by the Lord.  

Perhaps we should trust him a bit more and leap into righteous action! 


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