A Friend

 "Mrs. Potter, I thought you were my friend!" my little five year old buddy said to me after spending time in my office for the third time today.  

"I am your teacher, but I'm also your friend."

"Friends don't text their friends' moms and tell them about their bad behavior."

I chuckled to myself at his wit, but then explained, "Actually friends want you to be the very best you can be and they will do what they need to for that to happen.  Even if it means telling your mom."

He wasn't super happy with my answer but he asked if I would take him back to his class and stay with him while he got his work started.   I took his hand and we headed off.

It can be easy to listen to the world's definition of a good friend.  Yet Elder Robert D Hales taught, "Cultivate good friends who do not try to make you choose between their ways and the Lord’s ways. Be the kind of friend who makes it easier for others to obey the commandments when they are with you."

If I let this little guy do whatever he wanted just so I was his favorite teacher, I wouldn't have been a good friend at all.

A good friend loves but also encourages righteous choices and accountability.

A good friend does not condone sin, even while loving the individual.  

A good friend, might even sometimes text your mom.  But she will also text your mom when you do things right and celebrate every step along the way.


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