Scripture Power


Today in seminary, my students had Reading Goal Day.  

At first I thought it seemed overkill to spend a whole day setting that goal.  

But I decided to trust the inspiration that went into our pacing guide and we spent the day reading quotes and scriptures and discussing when and how we read and what worked for us personally.  

I emphasized that the consistency and the patterns were more important than the length.  In the same way that we don't eat once a week for effective nourishment, we need daily spiritual renewal as well. 

I gave them some time to reflect and write in their journals on the topic.  They made their goal measurable and they shared it with me so I can support them. 

My favorite quote we read was from James E Faust.  "Study the scriptures. All of us need the strength that comes from daily reading of the scriptures. Parents must have a knowledge of the standard works to teach them to their children. A child who has been taught from the scriptures has a priceless legacy. Children are fortified when they become acquainted with the heroic figures and stories of the scriptures such as Daniel in the lions’ den, David and Goliath, Nephi, Helaman and the stripling warriors, and all the others.Having prayer, scripture study, and meals together gives incredibly important time to talk and listen as parents and children, brothers and sisters."

I want my children to be fortified! I want to be spiritually fortified and empowered! 

As I thought about my own family and times we have been more and less effective in our scripture study I was reminded of a question a friend once asked in Sunday School.  

"What is it that's so hard about the daily part of daily scripture study?"

Perhaps it's the lack of the planning day and the lack of reflection.  I'm so thankful for the inspiration of others that blesses me too. 

And now to think about my own goal....,

As the primary children sing, 

"Scripture Power...every day I need the power that I get each time I read."


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