

Artwork by Yongsung Kim

"Is this our Nicholas? (Name changed)."

A former preschool coworker sent the text with a screenshot of a missing child.  

My heart nearly stopped and it was hard to breathe as I saw this little guy's face looking back at me.

He is 12 now, but all I could see was the little 4-year old who gave me a run for my money with his antics.  That little boy had created a permanent place in my heart. 

And now he had left a friends house to walk home and never made it.  

I offered prayers and paced around the house for a bit before I had to do SOMETHING.

I jumped in the car and headed to his neighborhood.  As I approached, I talked to other faculty including a friend who is his current middle school teacher as we asked each other if anyone had news.

Passing the school near his home, I saw a cluster of police cars.  I swung into the parking lot and jumped out, quickly explaining who I was and that I wanted to help.

They asked if I could possibly help them get in touch with any of his current teachers and I happily complied.  

And then they told me there wasn't much more to do at that point and they had the entire squad of cars and officers in the area so I drove around the area for 30 minutes and headed home.

My friend who had texted me, though started driving up and down the streets slowly watching for him and refused to give up.  And 2.5 hrs later she spotted him.  And was able to let the police know where he was.  

At 1;00 am, after the most frightening day of their lives, he was reunified with his parents.  And I'm sure there was a mixture of relief, joy and what were you thinking??!? 12 year old don't always think rationally.  

A happy ending that unfortunately not every missing child report ends with.  

But it really made me wonder if we treat our call to minister, reach out and invite back with the same urgency.  

Hundreds of people had posted "prayers" (and I certainly don't take away from the power in prayer).  

I got in the car and drove to the school but then gave up and went home.  

But my friend got in her car and drove for hours, not stopping until she found him, simply motivated by love and concern.  

Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me  Matt. 25:40

"Can our prayers ascend to the throne of mercy and be heard and answered, as we humbly desire, unless we practice charity in our lives? Must we not give of ourselves and of our means in helping others? Good intentions alone are not enough. Charity is not a virtue to expect in others only. It is the all-important Christian attribute to be found in ourselves." (Henry D Moyle)

I pray and commit that I will be more like my friend in my efforts to serve and uplift.  And that I will never hesitate to get on the car and go rescue. 


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