No Power

 Years ago, in the middle of the night I awoke to my young daughter in respiratory distress.  After trying her usual treatments I quickly ascertained that she needed more help and I hurried her out to the van in the driveway. 

To my horror, the van door stood open.  

As I leaned into the vehicle I was met with a hissing sound and beady eyes peering out. 

I screamed and ran back into the house with my daughter and shared some choice feelings with my husband who had left the door open after arriving home at a very late hour.  

I grabbed the keys to the truck and took her to the hospital.  

In the end all was fine, and I am sure it would have made a hilarious YouTube video, but ultimately the reason the critter made it into the vehicle was simple.  

The door was left open.

Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus, talked with him, prayed with him, witnessed his miracles and personally felt of his love.

And yet he yielded to the temptation of Satan and gave into his greed for money.

He opened the door. 

"Then entered Satan into Judas..."

He betrayed the Savior of the world by giving a prearranged signal, a hypocritical kiss of honor and respect to show which person was Jesus. 

Joseph Smith both promised and warned, "All beings who have bodies have power over those who have not. The devil has no power over us only as we permit him. The moment we revolt at anything which comes from God, the devil takes power."

Or in other words we give it to him. 

By opening the door.  

Boyd K Packer further taught, "Satan, with his angels, will try to capture your thoughts and control what you do. If he can, he will corrupt anything that is good."

Our marriages, friendships, testimonies, best qualities, charity, families, conversations, entertainment or relationship with Christ.

But he can't open the door.  Only we have the keys.  


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