Lead Me Guide Me

 I was frustrated with a bad habit my kids were exhibiting this morning and I attempted to call them out on it.  I didn't want to escalate to contention so I decided to read my scriptures before I proceeded.  

I don't always show that wisdom or self-control but this time I could and did. 

I have been reading in Moroni chapter 10 all week so I really didn't expect to find anything new, but I opened to it again. 

Right there in verse 32 was the answer: 

"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness;"

My kids definitely needed to deny themselves the ungodliness of the behavior.  I knew I was right.  But how to teach them? 

But the Spirit prompted me to read it again.  So I did.  And then a third time.  

This time I read it like this.  "Yea come unto Christ, and be perfected in him and deny YOURSELF of all ungodliness."


 Yes I need to teach my kids and at times correct them.  But it's myself, not others I need to worry about correcting the most.  And when I am able to check my temper or impulse to be overly critical in tone, my example will help lead and guide them to correct bad habits as well. 

"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me."

I am thankful for the reminder that I still need help to find the way.


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