Pac Boots

 Sometimes it is hard to recognize some gifts as being just that- gifts.  Things that will genuinely help us even in our weakness in understanding.  

In December of 1974, my parents had been married just four months and they were excited to be celebrating their first Christmas together at my aunt and uncle's home in Idaho.

On Christmas morning my mom eagerly opened her gift from my dad hoping for something romantic and wonderful that would show her how much he loved her.  She found a pair of boots.  

She was accustomed to selecting boots for their fashion not their practicality and the boots he had selected were anything but fashionable.  They were a sturdy, green pair of mountain pac boots.  

She feigned gratitude but was disappointed.  Those boots were just plain ugly. And they were not fun. 

A short time later they were leaving to drive to church. A storm had come through,  dumping heavy snow.  That was common in the winter there and as we would do my whole life, if it was Sunday we went to church.

My mom came out to their Toyota Landcruiser (she called it a 4-wheel drive steel box but my dad loved it) wearing her high heels.  My dad questioned her footwear choice.  "We are just going to church.  I'll walk straight in." She climbed into the car. 

My dad put her pac boots into the back of the landcruiser  "just in case".  

The drive to church was through a canyon with steep embankments.  (One in which I saw many winter accidents over the years as we traveled through the area).  Hitting a slick spot, they slid off the road and down the ravine toward the river.  In a pure tender mercy the snow was so deep that it actually backed up and stopped the vehicle with very little damage and they were spared serious injury. 

But they needed to hike back up to the road to get help.  Through the knee deep snow.  And she was in her high heels and nylons.  

All of a sudden those ugly, not fun boots were an incredible gift.  

My dad had lived in the area and knew what circumstances winter could bring.  My mom's understanding had increased through experience and she fully appreciated the wisdom of the gift of the pac boots.  

Do you ever think of the commandments as gifts of God? 

D&C 1:24

 Behold, I am God and have spoken it; these commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding.

Commandments are a gift to us from God.  They may not always seem fun or flashy, but there is great wisdom in trusting and following them.  

More than 40 years later,  my mom is on her third pair of pac boots.  And they still never leave for a winter drive without my dad putting their boots in the back.


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