The Simple Things

 We were sitting around this Christmas evening when I was engrossed in what I was doing, and Alex called my attention to the sun sinking below the horizon.

She has learned to recognize subtle shifts in light and color which indicate that we are about to get a beautiful display of color. Colton also headed to the porch to take in the beauty.
We had just opened gifts, had lots of delicious food, and have watched wonderful productions this week.
But the simple and profound beauty of sunsets is something that stirs my soul. The fire-like strokes reached across the horizon providing a beautiful backdrop and show of artistry. It warms my heart to know that my children have also developed the appreciation for the simple things which cost us nothing more than to look up.
Richard L Evans gave this beautiful advice more than 70 years ago which is just as true today.
"We may be faced with a lowered physical standard of living, but we need not be faced with lowered standards of thinking.....
Learn to like what doesn't cost much.
Learn to like reading, conversation, music.
Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.
Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, roving, climbing hills.
Learn to like people even though some of them may be ... different from you...
Learn to like to work and enjoy the satisfaction of doing your job as well as it can be done.
Learn to like the songs of the birds, the companionship of dogs.
Learn to like gardening, puttering around the house, and fixing things.
Learn to like the sunrise and sunset, the beating of the rain on the roof and the windows, and the gentle fall of snow on a winter day.
Learn to keep your wants simple, and refuse to be controlled by the likes and dislikes of others."
I'm grateful that Heavenly Father has provided so many things and that we have the capacity to learn to appreciate them all.


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