Too Much


It had been too long.  Obviously it had been too long.  

Since my daughter now has her own apartment and job it was time for her to have her own 72 hr kit at her house, not ours.  So we opened the 72 hr kits.  Which can be a lot like opening Pandora's box.

Because that meant going into the store room which quite honestly is out of sight, out of mind much of the time.  And it spurred a clean-out. 

George started hauling things out and before long he asked me (choose your own tone of voice here) how many air mattresses we owned. 

I guessed 2 or 3. I said we should air them up to check for leaks. 

He proceeded to bring out bag after bag and set them down all around me.

SEVEN.  We own seven.  3 twins, 3 doubles and a queen air bed.  What in the world??

We aired them all up to check for leaks and the kids kept asking where they all came from.  But I knew.  Every time I saw a good deal, or traveled and didn't plan or have space to sleep I would say "you can always use an air mattress." And we would buy one.

Now fortunately air mattresses aren't bad, and can even be useful.  And I'm confident that they will come in handy or bless others.  

But it got me thinking about what else I might not realize I have too much of in my life.  

D&C 59:

18Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;

19Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.

20And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion.

What other excess in my life am I letting take over one small decision at a time.  

I wonder what improvements I could make just by being more intentional and aware of the many blessings He has given me. 

I am confident that when I ask He will show me. 

And in the mean time isn't it fortunate that I have three different air pumps to inflate all my beds? 😂😂


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