When They Saw the Star

 "When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." -Matthew 2:9-10

Millions of people watched for the "Christmas Star" the last two nights.  How did they know to watch for it? For many they saw it on the news or on social media.  For some it was word of mouth.  

But how did the wise men know?  

A new star in the sky was clear and visible for all to see.  What was it that made these men recognize and know to follow the star?

They knew the prophecies.  They were watching and waiting. 

They REJOICED when they saw the star.  They knew their Savior had arrived. 

It's easy for us to read that as they saw the star, they came and worshipped.  But so much takes place between the verses.  The coming didn't happen overnight. 

Scholars don't know how long the trip took, but they do know it was over a length of time.  

They had over 500 miles to travel by caravan through politically charged areas.  Scripture says that they came and saw the young child, suggesting he was no longer an infant.  

What we do know is that they knew the sign, they followed the star and they stayed the course.

Likewise we can know and study the scriptures so that we can be prepared.  We can set our course to follow the Savior and expect it to be a journey.  

I am sure that there were cloudy nights where the star was no longer visible to the Wise Men.  I am sure there were stretches where they had to wonder if it would be worth it. I am sure they grew weary of riding camels and sleeping in the wilderness and deserts.  

Just because God provided a star doesn't mean there weren't obstacles on their path. 

But they stayed the course. And knelt at the feet of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

We can also stay the course even when the way seems cloudy and it seems like it's been so long since we last saw the star. 

We can stay the course even when we grow weary of uncertainty, anxiety, health issues, financial burdens, and family issues. 

We can stay the course even if others tell us this isn't the right path or choose not to continue the journey. 

And while we stay the course we can REJOICE because not only was he born, but he lived and died for us, rose again and lives today.  

We can REJOICE because he overcame death, pain and suffering and will succor, or provide for us, exactly as we need.  

We can REJOICE because Jesus Christ keeps His promises and eventually we will reach that goal and kneel at His holy throne.


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