

Two summers ago this group of cousins visited the US Capitol.   They come from different homes in different states.  They have differing beliefs and order their priorities differently.  

Sometimes they argue, but they also forgive and move on.  None of them are perfect and every one of them is amazing.  Each in their own way.  

And they would stand up for each other without hesitation.  They are family and they love each other.  

I thought about them a lot today.  It made me physically ill to watch the assault on the capitol building. 

Some days must be exceptionally hard for even the Savior to watch. 

Watching us fight back and forth bickering and angry, declaring whose side is worse.  Who's been wronged the most.  Trying to prove how righteous we are by being the most cutting with our tongues or our keyboards.  Friend  against friend, sister against sister, father against son. 

When the truth is He suffered for it all once before, so that we wouldn't have to, if we would just come, follow Him.

So what can we do now in this contentious world? 

President Nelson counseled in 1989:

"To begin, show compassionate concern for others. Control the tongue, the pen, and the word processor. Whenever tempted to dispute, remember this proverb: “He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.”  Prov. 11:12"

Healing starts in our homes.  And then spreads to our communities.  Maybe it will help if we remember that we are all brothers and sisters. Or at least cousins.


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