Don't Miss Out On The Miracles

 I was contemplating how I could possibly have so many learning moments covering  the car line  in the mornings.

Perhaps it's because it's lots of people in a short time.  Perhaps it's because I'm not doing anything else but being present so I notice.  

Perhaps it's because it's often in the little moments and the small interactions that we have the chance to make a difference.  

One parent particularly impressed me yesterday.  Even though they divorced last year, as this parent started to pull away, they paused and rolled down the window to tell me that their children's mother's birthday was that day.  

She works in our building in a small but important role and would never tell anyone.  

Later, when I passed her in the hall and was able to wish her a happy birthday she lit up.  Her eyes got teary and she asked how I knew.  

"I just know things.  And you are deeply cared about."

Her smile stretched from ear to ear and she had a bit of a bounce to her step as she continued on her way down the hall.

A small and relatively insignificant detail and twenty seconds of my day.  

But I have thought a lot about how much I admire a parent who still wishes well for an ex-spouse.  I can tell you with absolute certainty it will matter to their two beautiful daughters.  

Is there someone you have been at odds with that you can wish well or pray for? Don't miss out on the miracles because the action required seems too inconsequential. 

Marvin J Ashton wisely counseled,  "We need to learn to love everyone, even those who are difficult.  A warm handshake and a friendly smile can be wonderfully healing medicine. Conversely, how unwise we are when we declare, “I’ll never speak to him again.” Never is a long time, and even those who have caused heartache or shame are not beyond ultimate repentance. Sometimes hurts to the heart are more damaging than physical blows. Yes, they may take longer to heal, but they will heal more quickly if we avoid bitterness and anger and practice forgiveness."


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