He is the Light

 January-March is my least favorite time of year where we live.  

It is cloudy and grey much of the time. The trees have lost their leaves and just seem stark and  bare against the browns and grays of the season.  

The other morning I had just left an early appointment and decided to stop by the dam and go for a walk.  Just as I arrived, the sun came up and a beautiful glow crossed the treetops and took my breath away.  Adding to the splendor, the water reflected the color and I just stood their taking it in and then captured the beauty. 

What a magnificent reminder of how in my own life, even when things seem cloudy and grey or I fear I have lost all my color that Jesus, the Son, can shine and reveal my hidden or forgotten beauty in ways I never thought possible. 

In John 8:12 Jesus testifies, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in [the] darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Dieter F Uchtdorf added: "He who humbly follows Jesus Christ will experience and share in His light. And that light will grow until it eventually dispels even the most profound darkness."


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