New Year


Looking back through my journals I realize I've been setting the same New Year resolutions  with slight variances for more than 25 years. Only instead of it frustrating and beating me down like it has in the past I am seeing the humor and "realness" in my very human weaknesses. 

My favorite were my attempts at getting in shape.  While taking care of my body is a good and worthy goal it is humorous to look at the ways our society has approached health and marketing over the years. 

I tried to take a step aerobics class but stepped off the edge of the step and tore my meniscus leading to knee surgery.  

I joined an aqua fitness class thinking it was basic water aerobics and ended up training in the pool next to Dan O'Brien who was preparing for the Barcelona Olympics. They had to give me my own lane because I was too slow and poorly conditioned to keep up. 

I tried Sweating to the Oldies for a few days one January, ordered the VHS Tae Bo videos for another ...and then the Pilates DVDs.... and tried P90X. I use the term "try" loosely because it literally meant a few times in January and then once in May and October.😂

I think I went running once in around 2001. 

I've had bikes and treadmills and gym memberships and thigh masters.  

I have had Fitbits, Jawbone UP devices, nike+ workouts, and now my iPhone tracks it and my apple watch even beeps and tells me to stand up when I've been sitting too long. 

And I'm still not "fit". But I haven't given up either. Every positive step I took made me a little stronger.  

I will never be a fitness icon and I'm okay with that.  And this certainly is not a comment on those who have found fitness to be their passion.  But it does make me reflect on my past year and the year we have looking forward.  

Isn't it interesting how the flip of one calendar page can make us feel full of promise and hope?

Elder Uchtdorf has taught:

“Our Heavenly Father sees our real potential. He knows things about us that we do not know ourselves. He prompts us during our lifetime to fulfill the measure of our creation, to live a good life, and to return to His presence.

Why, then, do we devote so much of our time and energy to things that are so fleeting, so inconsequential, and so superficial? Do we refuse to see the folly in the pursuit of the trivial and transient?”

Don't forget to include the One who knows you best in your reflections and planning process.  

Don't forget to celebrate all that you HAVE accomplished in this year filled with changes and difficulties.  And surviving totally counts!

Don't forget that life is not a race but a journey, and that line upon line, step by step is the pattern set by Jesus Christ himself. 

Happy New Year!


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