Potter, Nebraska


Having lived 2000 miles away from grandparents and family for most of our kids' lives we have made many cross country road trips.  

Part of being in families is finding ways to get along and agree.  Part of parenting is sometimes making your kids do things that weren't necessarily their idea.  And sometimes things don't quite meet our expectations. 

On this fine June day in 2013, we pulled off the road for a photo op in Potter, Nebraska.

Because we are the Potters.  And let me tell you the kids were SUPER enthused.  

The body slumping teenagers convinced their nine year old sister this was a terrible idea.  They griped and complained.  It was hot. And windy.  But they did it.  And the six year old even enjoyed an ice cream cone she picked out as her gas station treat.  George and I just laughed.  Because we were once teenagers too.

Sometimes those road trips were long but the kids knew their grandparents and cousins waited on the other end.  They learned  that somethings are worth a bit of discomfort along the way. 

Elder M Russell Ballard  reminded, "Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together."

For us that has often meant getting in the car together no matter the ages and stages. Whatever it means for you make the time.  Don't worry about it being perfect, or elaborate or expensive.  Take advantage of the little moments.

Like pulling over in Potter, Nebraska.


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