
This week I've been feeling frustrated with illness and found myself saying, "Why do I always have to be sick?"

And I was drawn back to this journal entry.  I wrote this from the hospital. The same hospital she had been to so many times she knew the room numbers and many staff members, many who had been providing care since her preemie birth at just 1 lb 3 oz.  This time, at 7 years old she had just had a life saving surgery for a retropharyngeal abscess. 

"She is NOT happy to be here. 

She said, "Mom, why did Jesus make sickness? Cause I've been sick even from when I was born. Sick was the first thing I was! I'm tired of being sick!" 

So we talked about how maybe he doesn't make sicknesses, but he allows it. 

We talked about all the good things she has seen when others help us. And how it feels to know others are praying for you. 

We talked about how much stronger her body has gotten over the years. We talked about how our immune systems can only get stronger by fighting things off one by one. 

And I held her and told her its okay to be frustrated and mad and say its not fair. 

I told her I wish I could be sick for her and take all her pain and so would Daddy. 

We read scriptures together like John 16:33 - "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." 

And 2 Ne 2:11 which says, "It must needs be that there is an opposition in all things." 

If we never felt pain we wouldn't know how to appreciate good health. 

If we didn't have reasons to call on God we might forget Him, even when we should be grateful. 

Then we talked about how she hasn't really been sick her whole life. Yes, she's had her fair share, but she has had WAY more good than bad days, this is just another bump in the road. 

Then she smiled impishly and said, "I understand that Mommy, but I'm still not thankful I'm sick!" Me neither, Ella Boo, but thank you for a teaching moment."

And thank you for reminding me all these years later.


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