Small Gifts

 At one point in my life I ran an eBay consignment business.  One particular day I listed a box full of baby boy clothes that I anticipated getting around $40 for. Much to my surprise, and as would occasionally happen on eBay, a bidding war ensued and a lady in Texas ended up "winning" the clothes for about $200.  

She promptly paid and I shipped the package  and was excited to have a bit of extra cash.

"The money isn't yours."  The thought came clearly to my mind.  And then again.  "The money isn't yours.  Set it aside an you will know when to use it."

Having learned in my life that those impressions shouldn't be ignored I literally set the cash aside and went about my life while watching and waiting.  

A couple of different times I thought of ways I could share or be helpful but still felt I should wait. 

Then one evening I got a call from a friend sharing her concern about a family that was in a difficult economic situation.  Her heart was yearning to help but as a young family they weren't in a position to help either.

"God sent the money here," I said.  I picked her up a short time later and we headed to the local grocery store  where we loaded our cart with groceries, diapers, formula and laundry supplies.  It seemed like almost everything we needed was on sale and we were able to purchase almost $500 worth of supplies for that $200.  

When we delivered  it to the home and they tried to thank us as we carried sack after sack into the house we simply said, "Oh, this isn't from us.  It's from your Heavenly Father. He is aware of you and you are loved."  Tears of gratitude and relief were in abundance. 

We returned to the car and offered a prayer of gratitude of our own as we drove away with tears of joy on our faces.  

What a privilege it was to catch that small glimpse of heaven's plan.  A plan that connected the dots between a lady with means in Texas, my patience in listening to the Spirit, and my friends discerning heart to create a miracle for a most deserving family doing their best to provide in difficult circumstances. 

It would have been easy for my friend to say that without better resources there was no point in watching for needs in others.

Or for me to ignore the promptings and use the money for my own family.

Never believe that because your gift seems small to you, that Heavenly Father can't use you in amazing ways.

1 Corinthians 12:4 reminds us, "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit."

We are given different gifts for a reason, but the Holy Spirit can connect us in marvelous ways. How beautiful is it that he lets us bring whatever we have to offer, no matter how small it may seem.  He could have provided for that family in so many ways.  But He let us play a role because it was what we needed too.


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