Because I Love You

 "Mrs. Potter! Mrs. Potter! This is for you!"

The six year old smiled widely and her cheeks which were pink from the cold seemed to light up.  

She excitedly withdrew a crumpled paper, smoothed it out and handed me a simple colored heart.

"It's because I love you."

Her big brown eyes shone with adoration and excitement.  She gave me a quick hug and skipped down the hall toward her classroom.

My heart melted and every time I look at it I smile. 

I didn't wonder why she gave me a crumpled one.

I didn't ask myself if she only gave it to me because her favorite teacher wasn't there.

I didn't try to read a hidden agenda into why she chose the colors she did. 

I didn't worry about if she would now expect me to give her a valentine tomorrow.

Why? Because any of those things would be ridiculous. 

I accept freely given love from children with no reservations. 

It's harder from adults for me but I recognize that is a flaw I need to work on overcoming. Because it is robbing me of joy and others of my gracious gratitude. 

D&C 78:19 promises, "He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious."

And who doesn't want to be glorious?  

The world needs more valentines to be sent and to be received with the love of a six-year old.


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