

"How are things going?"

"Is that working well for you?"

"Are you happy with the results?"

Those are the questions I get asked when my instructional coach visits with me.  

They are good questions that help me connect my actions with the outcomes.  

But the actual impetus to change has to be me.  I heard this statement made by Dr Becky Bailey in a class today.  "You can change out of desperation or you can change out of desire."

Powerful.  Why not be in charge of my change?  

In a separate conversation, another friend helped me see that Satan is the one saying I can't change. The scriptures are overflowing with examples of those who changed.  

Elder Hugh W Pinnock taught, "First, you must want to change with all your heart. You must take responsibility upon yourself to do whatever is necessary to be different."

So the question is how do I want to change and what am I willing to do to make that happen? I may have to choose a  different perception.  I may have to ask for help from others.  I will probably have to replace some thoughts and behaviors.  And I will definitely need to ask for Heaven's help. 

But yes, I can change.  Even the parts of me that seem the most hopeless.


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