He Will Come to You

It's Sunday morning and you are in the pew.  You have heard a message that stirred your heart, taken the Sacrament and pondered during the music.  The Savior's love feels alive and you are going to carry it with you all week!

But then the kids fight in the car on the way home. 

And some jerk cuts you off.  

And you arrive home to find you didn't actually start the crockpot as evidenced by the frozen mass of chicken still sitting there. 

And you have a splitting headache.  

And all of a sudden Christ seems very far away. Defeat and discouragement creep in.  

Any of you been there?  I have.  

But here is the good news.  

He doesn't live at the church.  

In John 14:18 Jesus promises, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."

He will join you in the midst of the messy.  

He will help you marvel in the mundane.  

He will find you on the buses, at work, or in the doctor's office. 

He will cry with you, laugh with you, praise with you where you are.  If you ask Him.

And sometimes.... sometimes he will even show up at DI as reminder of just how present he wants to be in your day to day life.

(Photo credit: Karen Newbry Kingston)


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