
It is often said that it is a human need to be seen and heard.  But in my class today I heard it phrased so beautifully I wanted to remember it and share it.   

Dr Bailey talked about the times when we may say or do wrong or hurtful things.  The times when we are triggered and react by either lashing out or pulling back.  

Whether it's because we are hurt, tired, scared, frustrated or a myriad of other conditions that make success seem further out of reach, we all have times when we feel like failures.  When we are discouraged.  When we feel hopelessly inept.  

She said we need to be kinder to ourselves and remember we get more of what we focus on.  So she said to phrase it this way. 

"Please see the beauty in me. Especially when I feel lost in inadequacy."

Isn't that what we truly all want to say?  

Focus on the beauty and we will grow.  Focus on the inadequacy and we won't.  

Neil A Maxwell reminded, "The first thing to be said of this feeling of inadequacy is that it is normal. There is no way the Church can honestly describe where we must yet go and what we must yet do without creating a sense of immense distance. Following celestial road signs while in telestial traffic jams is not easy, especially when we are not just moving next door—or even across town."

We are not alone in our inadequacies, but we also are not alone in the beauty we each bring to this world.


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