The Worth of Souls

 Driving home from work something felt a little off.   I thought I detected a bit of a soft thunk-thunk sound. I wondered if it was coming from the tire.  

In this household we know only too well the cost of ignoring tire sounds and issues and driving on flat tires.  So I immediately pulled into the next parking lot and got out and circled the car.  Everything looked fine.

I got back in and continued to drive but the sound was still there and I could feel it.  There were no warning lights but I called George and he said to bring it by when I finished my tutoring lessons.  That it should be fine until then.  

He looked it over and couldn't find anything either except a suspect loose license plate which he said he would tighten at home.  So I drove home but it was still making the sound.  

When he got home he took it back out to double check and found a bolt in one of our tires.

Fun fact.  Or maybe a factoid since I can't actually verify it, but Elkhart County has the highest rate of flat tires in the country precisely because it is also home to the bulk of the world's RV manufacturing industry. And there are lots of screws and bolts in RVs and even some dropped during assembly that work their way out as they head out onto the open road.  

Addressing the issue as soon as I felt and heard an issue was wise.  We were able to get the tire changed and arrange for repair when it worked best for our schedule. We didn't wait for it to go flat overnight and make a huge inconvenience in the morning or for it to cause a safety issue while driving.  

Most people would probably have done the same thing.  But do we take the same care with the bumps and issues we notice happening in our spiritual lives? 

In D&C 18 we learn:

"10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;

11 For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.

12 And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.

13 And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!"

We are worth taking care of, spiritually as well as physically.  

Jesus suffered and died for each of us and asks in return that we repent and forsake our sins.

How foolish would it have been for me to say "I guess I will just always have flat tires.  Or a bolt isn't really that bad, it's a slow leak right?"

I went to the people who could fix it.  I don't know how it works but I know that my car drives smoothly and safely after they do. 

Jesus is the one who can fix our spiritual needs from the simplest bolts to complete engine failure.  He doesn't ever "total out" any of us. 

I don't know how he does it either, but I do know my life goes so much more smoothly and safely when I turn to him for help.  

And He is not only willing  but says it brings Him great joy when we do.  So listen closely, do you have any thumps or rattles that need some help?  I'll be listening for my own over here.


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