A Godly Walk

 I used to start my preschool class each day by repeating our class promise together with my students.  One child would point at the pictures as we recited, "We will use gentle hands, listening ears, walking feet and happy (or helpful)  words so everyone can be safe to learn together."

When kids would make missteps (and they all did at times), we would guide them back to the class promise and allow them to reset and try again. 

In D&C 20:69 we read of our responsibilities after baptism.  "And the members shall manifest before the church, and also before the elders, by a godly walk and conversation, that they are worthy of it, that there may be works and faith agreeable to the holy scriptures—walking in holiness before the Lord."

A godly walk and conversation. Feet walking on the path Christ has shown us.  Words that are helpful, not hurtful. Words that testify of Christ. Words that bring joy.

Our works and our faith agreeing with the teachings of the scriptures.  Listening to the words of the Lord.  Our hands fulfilling righteous acts of kindness. 

Eyes on the Lord. 

The early Saints needed this instruction.  And so do we. 

Maybe we aren't so different than the 4-year olds after all.  We also need to keep our covenants and to work together so that everyone can be safe to learn as we move down the Gospel path. 

We also will all make missteps.  But when we return to our covenants and repent, Christ helps us reset and try again.


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