Doctrine of Christ

 Jesus cleaned out the temple, sending the moneychangers away.  He overturned tables and rebuked them for making his father's house a den of thieves.

The Pharisees were afraid.  

They knew that their power was threatened.

They recognized his authority.  They knew He had the power to heal.  The crowds of people heard Him teach and were drawn to His truths that made them want to follow.  

In Mark 15:18 it says that all the people were "astonished at his doctrine".

It stood clearly distinct from the teachings of men around them.  He taught a new way, a better way, a more holy way. 

It's the same doctrine still being taught.  If we open our hearts, we too will be astonished by his doctrine.  

It may seem at odds with what is being taught in society.  

It may prick our conscience and inspire change.

It will offer us hope and light in a world where darkness sells and hatred and despair are peddled freely. 

But we can know.  We can recognize the majesty and power of His teachings.  We can be astonished not just by his doctrine but by his great love for each of us and the miracles waiting to unfold in our own lives.


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