Life is Hard

 Two years ago Alex was in the musical, Annie.  The pictures popped up in my memories today.  

The song the orphan's sing, "It's the Hard-Knock Life", describes some of the difficulties of their life in the orphanage. 

It made me reflect on the many parts of life that truly are hard.  

But don't forget who is in control.

Sheri Dew reminds, "It’s not living the gospel that’s hard. It’s life that’s hard. It’s picking up the pieces when covenants have been

compromised or values violated that’s hard. The gospel is the Good News that provides us the tools to cope with the mistakes, the heartaches, the disappointments we can expect to experience here."

Remember, after Sarah laughed at the very idea of bearing a child in her old age, the Lord rebuked her, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Gen 18:14). 

Sometimes the hard stuff just means we are here on this imperfect earth and have shown up for another day.  Trust Him to help you handle it, especially with the hard part.


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