
 Several weeks ago a friend stopped by and handed me an envelope with some cash in it.  

She said that she has been blessed this year and she felt prompted to share and to bring it to me and for me to use it to help someone in need.  

Yesterday I became aware of a family who was struggling and needed help. They were facing eviction, medical difficulties, and caring for elderly parents all while having to work in two different states. 

After praying I felt prompted to reach out to them and I explained that a friend had given me some cash and that I felt like Heavenly Father wanted them to know that they weren't forgotten.  Last night I got them the cash and felt comforted that they had been able to pay another month's rent. I offered encouragement and my prayers.  

But then discouragement crept into my mind.  While I was grateful, it felt like a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what they were facing. 

In Mark 6:51-52 we read about what happens when Jesus calms the storm:

"51And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.

52For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened."

Sometimes we forget the miracle of the loaves and fishes.  That when we give what we can Jesus will  make it enough, and often with baskets to spare.

Just 30 minutes after she got the money,  I heard back from the woman.   Her message said, "Just got good news.  Thank you God!"  

It was actually even more of a blessing.  She said that it made her know that God did see them and it helped her have the courage to make a couple of calls and choices.  She saw answers start to take place in an incredible way and it increased her faith in God, humanity and gave her the energy and confidence to keep going. 

Which is so much bigger than just another month of rent.

We certainly won't always get our answers, or the start of them, in just 30 minutes.  

But we can always trust that God can do amazing things with what we willingly lay on His altar.  

Thank you my friend for sharing your means, to help this family and to remind me not to forget the miracle of the loaves.


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