Neglect Not the Gift


I took piano lessons for 10 years.  

I play like I took them for 3.  Seriously.  Sometimes when I'm playing my mind starts to wonder how my eyes can look at black marks on the paper and my brain turns that information into which fingers to push, where, and how fast and suddenly I am lost and have no idea what I am doing.  (Aren't our brains the most amazing things ever!!??)

I can tap out a solid right hand if needed in Primary or to help teach the girls a rhythm.  I can play in church but we will be singing Sweet Hour of Prayer and we slow it WAY down and the congregation will just have to follow me. It may literally be an hour of prayer.

And I kid you not when I attempted to accompany the choir one year at Christmas we had our Christmas piece cancelled not twice but three times by blizzards.  I take full responsibility and know that the Lord was blessing our efforts but still protecting the sanctity of those Christmas numbers! 😂

I am however a tremendous appreciator of music.  I am grateful for those who build up their talents to bless others.  Music needs audiences and I'm thankful that the Lord has taught me to appreciate the gift of being in an audience and not just on the stage. 

Sometimes when I watch Alex play her cello I am just amazed. I can see the cumulative affect of daily improvement.  Of changing small bad habits. Of improving her bow hold and fingering.  

She has incredibly loose joints (a family trait) so her fingers don't hold quite right, but she has learned to compensate.  

The tiniest movement of her wrist can change the quality of the sound.  

And when she takes her small polished part and adds it to the others the symphony is amazing.  

As David Archuleta sings, 

"It's like a symphony

Just keep listening

And pretty soon you'll start

To figure out your part

Everyone plays a piece

See there are melodies

In each one of us

Ooh it's glorious".

Find your part.  Ask God or others to help you see it if need be. 

Neglect not the gift that is in thee. (1 Tim 4:12).

It's glorious!! You are glorious!


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