
 George has been working on a new patio for our backyard.  

As he dug up the sod and prepared the soil for the new stones, he encountered some sprinkler lines.  They were a big hassle to dig out and part way through he wondered if he could just bury them.  He called his landscaper brother for advice.  

He was told he could just bury them if he wanted,  but at some point they would probably leak and damage the entire foundation.  

It is also true that in life,  even if it takes more work, we have to dig the junk out to have a secure foundation. We have to repent with the help of Jesus Christ. 

In opening the 191st Annual General Conference on Saturday, April 3, President Nelson said as he has watched workers pull out old tree roots, plumbing, wiring and a leaky fountain, “I have thought about the need for each of us to remove, with the Savior’s help, the old debris in our lives.”

In 1 John 2:1 we read, "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. But if any man sin and repent, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:"

It may take extra effort and sometimes be messy, but cleaning up the debris and digging up the pipes will prevent future problems later and give us a firm foundation to build on.


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