
 It was time for the feast of the Passover.  

Jesus asks Peter and John to go and prepare for it.  

They asked him where they should go.

He tells them to go into the city, and a man with a pitcher would show them. 

He tells them what to say to the man and what to do.  

Then in Luke 22:13 it says, "And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover."

They did exactly what Jesus had told them.  They had asked for directions, received instruction and they were obedient. That is what disciples do.

And as a result they were able to sit at the table with the Savior for one last meal.

They were there when he taught them of the fulfillment of the old law and the presentation of the new, higher law.  They partook in the first Holy Sacrament.  Even if they didn't yet fully understand it, they were still there. 

He knew that as mortals it would be too easy for us to forget Him, so He put a remembrance in place.  He taught the new symbols of bread and water to replace the sacrificial lamb.  He would become the final Sacrificial Lamb to fulfill His Father's will and out of love for each of us.   

They would stumble again the next day.  But at this moment they asked, listened and obeyed and so they were blessed.  Not in the way that they perhaps expected, but they had learned to trust Jesus. 

We also will still sometimes stumble.  We also will have things we don't understand.  Sometimes things won't go as expected.  But we will always be blessed when we ask, listen and obey.  Because that's what disciples do. 

Artwork by Jon McNaughton


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