He is Risen!

He is risen!

What had seemed impossible was accomplished.

We celebrate the glorious promise of life again.  

Of hope again.  

Of peace again. 

F Melvin Hammond:

"As we contemplate the events leading to the death of Jesus Christ, we tend to grieve for the awful sufferings which He experienced at the hands of wicked men—the terrible rending by the lash, the dreadful nails placed in His hands and feet, the prolonged agony of the cross, and finally His tender heart breaking for the sins of all men.

But stop! He is not dead! He is risen! He is the first fruit of the resurrection. Without Him, life for all (people) would end at death. All would be consigned to the grave, their bodies to molder in the dust forever. But because of Him, our Savior, even Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, we, every one of us, will live again—freed from the everlasting chains of death."

In spite of the gloom and despair in the world around you, let the wonder and glory of this message sink in and bring you joy.  

He lives! 

Happy Easter!


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