Change in Our Hearts


At church today when the empty sacrament cups were dropped in the tray the sound hitting the metal bottoms was particularly pronounced. Probably because I hadn't heard that sound in more than 14 months since they've been put into plastic bags to be discarded. 

Anyway, as I heard that sound today it almost sounded like coins dropping in.  And it reminded me of a conversation I had about offering plates and how we don't have them.  

While we do tithe and are encouraged to give fast offerings and other donations generously, we do that in private.  

But as I watched the sacrament passed to each person and each cup drop in it made me think of offerings, not in money but in many different ways.  

Offering to take His name upon us might mean working on serving, forgiving or loving a little better this week.  

Offering to let resentment go and be less demanding to others.  

Offering to give up a TV show or some time on my phone in order to show up for serving another.  

Offering to bravely step back into an uncomfortable space and seek the opportunity for growth.  

Offering to continue on the path of addiction recovery or to take that first step if needed.  

Offering to keep making progress in healing.  

Offering to swallow my pride and ask for help in calling on the Atonement to start the process of repentance.   

Offering to share my talents, not seeking the praise of other people, but for the sole purpose of building up the Kingdom of God.     

We each have things to offer, to lay on the alter, to show that we are saying, "Yes, Lord, I will follow you." 

And what do we get in return? 

3 Nephi 9:20 promises, "And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost."

We offer Him our broken hearts, our pieces that need healing, our imperfect talents, and a willingness to change with His help, and He offers us the constant presence and help of the Holy Spirit.  It's not so much about the change in our pockets, as the change in our hearts.


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