Greater Love

 Memorial Day is the day in which we honor and remember those members of the US Armed Forces who sacrificed their lives in service.  

Jesus himself said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13). 

There are literally hundreds of thousands of stories of men and women who lost their lives in the name of our freedom.  Here is just one.

The SS Dorchester was headed from New York to Greenland during World War II when torpedoed by a German U-boat.  As the ship was sinking 4 new chaplains bravely assisted soldiers eventually giving up their own life vests so that others could have a chance at survival.

They were very different men.  Reverend George L. Fox was a Methodist minister, Alexander D. Goode was a Rabbi, Father John P. Washington was a Catholic priest , and Reverend Clark V. Poling was a minister for the Reformed Church in America.  Nonetheless, they linked arms, sang hymns and offered comfort and encouragement until they went down with the ship. 

Greater love hath no man.

How then do we honor them and the many, many others who didn't get to live so that we might? 

Definitely by how we choose to live.  

Definitely by not taking freedom for granted.

Definitely by learning and studying about the principles of liberty.  

And perhaps each day by thinking of others before ourselves, and extending the hand of mercy and justice while standing for freedom.  

Greater love hath no man.


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