Greatest Love

 In John 15:13 Jesus instructs, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

There is no question that to sacrifice one's life for another is an act beyond comprehension and surely the highest mark of love there is. 

I wonder though, how many of us say we would perhaps be willing to lay down our life for our friends, but can't seem to lay down our phone for our friends and stop by in service. 

Or maybe to lay down our remote and invite a spouse or neighbor on a walk or to study scriptures together? 

Do we lay down our pride and ignore the Jenga style pile of dishes in the sink and open our doors and our hearts to our friends ? 

Or lay down our discomfort and meet someone new who might need a kind word? 

Can we lay down our work for a bit and fully engage with our families, who are often among our most treasured friends?  You know, play a game, listen to their stories, complete a chore together. 

Do we lay down our busy schedules, so often running almost on autopilot,  and find the time to call and ask how things are really going for our favorite cousin? 

It may be difficult, but the result of laying down grudges and resentment may be the greatest blessing of all that we lay down- and it may restore friendships we didn't even know we desperately needed. 

Or lay down our worries and share a good laugh?  There is nothing that heals quite like the belly laughter shared between friends. 

What we might consider laying down will be different for each of us, but the Holy Spirit will whisper if we ask.  

Lots to think about.....


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