I Care

 There are so many ways to say "I'm so sorry and I care."

This week our school has felt an outpouring of love.

Our art teacher collected stories and photos about Lucian and created a scrapbook for his mom from our school.  

The high school orchestra teachers sent a recording of them playing "The Lord Bless and Keep You" to our staff with their condolences.  

Other elementary schools brought food for the staff and cards with personal notes of encouragement. 

We had a school wide moment of silence for Lucian and each class discussed it as appropriate with office and counselor support as needed.  

The kindergarten class was releasing butterflies and let one go in his name and the kids all said "goodbye Lucian".  

We have helped raise over $6000 so his mom can give him a burial.  She had cried in agony that she knew cremation was cheaper but she just couldn't do that to her baby.  We all pitched in and so did many community members. That's the last thing she needed to be worried about right now. 

The paras from his room were given extra support from the  department. 

Students could go to the counselor at any time. 

Many, many people offered prayers, hugs and simple check-ins.  

We listened,  we offered grace, we cried together. 

This is what it means to "mourn with those who mourn."  This is what it means to "strengthen the feeble knees."  There is no perfect model to follow.  Just lots and lots of people sharing their hearts and trying to lift ours by taking action in whatever way they can.  This is Christianity in action.


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