
 It's butterfly time in our kindergarten classrooms.  They are learning about life cycles and excitedly predicting how many days it will be until a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. 

Today I was quizzing the kids on their understanding of the life cycle.  One little girl said, "The caterpillar eats and eats and then makes a upside down chrysalis.  Then takes a nap and BAM like magic a butterfly appears."

Not quite, but she has the basic idea. 

What actually happens is a perfect combination of hormone suppression and expression that allow the caterpillar to delay metamorphosis until the right time.  The time by which enough food has been stored and they can now have their specialized cells fully develop into the parts of a butterfly.

But where does the caterpillar go? It doesn't just sprout wings.  It undergoes a process in which its body is broken down and disintegrates and becomes food and fuel for the new change and growth.

It literally has to be destroyed for the new creature to emerge.  But look at the beauty and delicate perfection in that new creature! 

Alma 5:14  prompts us to  reflect on how we also should have a mighty change. "And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"

Can we expect the process of change for us to be any simpler?  We have to literally become new, better and more beautiful creations.  When we are spiritually reborn we can not only not be surprised by, but should expect to have difficulties.  

So if you are undergoing a painful spiritual trial take heart.  

If it feels like you are sometimes being dismantled and torn apart know that better things are to come.

If it feels like change hurts, be comforted in knowing it's part of the plan.

This time in your personal chrysalis may be excruciatingly difficult.

But you will emerge more beautiful, agile and intricate and stand as evidence of the Creators' powerful hand.  You are destined to fly.


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