
 Alex, my senior, has her high school graduation today.  As I turned on her slideshow featuring pictures of her life last night, I had a few tearful moments.  

It's natural to stop at crossroads in life and contemplate how we've gotten there and where we are going next.  

Graduation comes from the root word for "step".  It means to take a next step.  I know that I will see hundreds of students stepping across the stage and into the next phase of their life.  Why do we as people, tend to put so much celebration into these moments? 

Because progress and continued steps, big or small, are the pattern which has been shown to us.  It is our goal. It is critical to Heavenly Father's plan of happiness.

Jesus learned line upon line, precept upon precept.   Step by step. 

We also are instructed to do that.  Without intentional spiritual steps forward, we can lose  our way.  

Alma 37:41 teaches, "They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey;"

Progress can be continued, maintained or restarted.  We just have to take the next step. 

Russell T Osguthorpe encouraged, "When we learn and teach His word in His way, we accept His invitation to “come, follow me.” We follow Him one step at a time. With each step, we draw closer to the Savior. We change. The Lord knew that spiritual growth did not happen all at once. It comes gradually. Each time we accept His invitation and choose to follow Him, we progress along the pathway to full conversion."

Step by step. Progress. That's why we celebrate graduations. 


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