Simple, Caring Conversations

 One of the most successful techniques for improving our teaching practice in the classroom is to preplan intentional questions and question stems.  One teacher who I particularly admire is always printing out those stems and putting them at the top of her board, on her clipboard, on her desk and on her door to help her remember.  As a result she is regularly having meaningful conversations with her students. 

In this week's study, D&C 68 talked about the importance of teaching our children the gospel.  

In our last Conference President Joy D Jones further reiterated, "Simple, caring conversations can lead children to know not only what they believe, but most important, why they believe it. Caring conversations, happening naturally and consistently, can lead to better understanding and answers. Let’s not allow the convenience of electronic devices to keep us from teaching and listening to our children and looking into their eyes." President Joy D Jones

Simple, caring conversations.  Here are just a few of the questions and sentence starters I want to use more intentionally in having those conversations with my own children and those I teach and serve. 

How does that make you feel?

What did you notice about this?

What are you thinking?

How do you see Heavenly Father in your life?

What helps you when....?

Why do you think Jesus said/did that?

What do you think is most important here?

What have the prophets said about this?

What blessings could come from living this principle?

Why might this be hard for someone to......?

Tell me more about what you mean.

How do you feel the Savior's love?

All of these will require listening.  And give opportunities to build our children's relationships with their Savior and Heavenly Parents and also with us as we take the time to look into their eyes.


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