Take the Stairs


Last night we were on our way back to our apartment and there was a small crowd on the train.  As it came to a stop and passengers poured off the train and into the station, we needed to go up a steep flight of stairs.  The line at the escalator was shoulder to shoulder and people were pressed together.  According to our multiple Apple Watches, we had already climbed 25-40 flights of stairs that day and George and I moved into the throng to ride up. 

I heard Kyrie and Ali next to me say, "President Nelson says he always takes the stairs."  And they took a breath and began the climb of the adjacent staircase. The others followed. It turns out that Ali had learned about President Nelson always taking the stairs in her Living Prophets class. 

It gave me a quiet confidence in these kids I love and their futures.  It gave me a confidence in their whole generation looking to the prophet to follow.  As Kyrie explained when I asked her, "He didn't tell us to take the stairs, he just told us that he does.  But that's enough to make me want to do it." 

It also made me wonder if I know enough about him and what he says to follow him in the little things as well as the big.  

President Michaelene P Grassli counseled about following leaders, "Just like you and me, Sister Kapp and Sister Winder still have things they worry about and struggle with. They know that things don’t always turn out the way we want, but that our Heavenly Father will always help us if we do our best and are obedient. Then we will have what is best for us. They have prepared themselves. They follow the Savior, and they follow the prophet, and by doing so, they have learned what God’s plan is for them, and they are faithfully trying to follow that plan."

Of course taking the stairs isn't a mandate by any means.  It isn't about the stairs.  It's about where they look and listen for their counsel. It's about setting patterns that will bring them true blessings and happiness. 

 Maybe I will consider taking the stairs.....


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