As He Thinketh

 At church this morning we heard about a young missionary who was among the first to return to Honduras following the Covid shutdown.  

He spoke only a little Spanish, his companion no English.  

Together they went back to the apartment that had been vacated with 15 minutes notice in order to get the missionaries out before the border closed more than a year earlier.  

That meant the apartment had been left as is.  

Belongings were still there.  

Trash and food had been sitting for over a year in a hot and humid climate.  The mashed potatoes were still on the stove.  It was pretty disgusting.  

This courageous elder wrote that he took in the scene, saw what needed to be done and got to work.  Using hand gestures and some google translate phrases he and his companion tackled the difficult task and brought the home back into order.

Put yourself there.  What would your reaction and attitude have been? 

What would the result have been? 

What do you WISH your reaction and attitude could be? What do you need to do to get there?

Proverbs 23:7 counsels "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he".  

How we think and respond to things determine how we act.  So to change our responses and actions we start with sometimes challenging and changing our thoughts. 

And alligning them with His.  And before we know it we will be able to tackle even huge difficulties with courage and faith.


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