Keep Climbing

 Our physical bodies and spirits are closely intertwined.  I need to remind myself that when my physical body is struggling, it is much easier for me to struggle with spiritual temptations as well.  Even when physically I may be limited, I can rely on Christ's strength to stand strong and overcome the urge to lose hope and to give up.  

These words from President Elaine S Dalton inspired me today. 

"As you climb, don’t allow yourself to descend into the willows. Stay high on the mountain. You are God’s precious daughters! Because of the knowledge of our divine identity, everything must be different for us: our dress, our language, our priorities, and our focus. We must not seek guidance from the world, and if our true identity has been clouded by mistakes or sins, we can change. We can turn around and repent and return to virtue. We can climb above the willows. The Savior’s Atonement is for you and for me. He invites each of us to come unto Him.

As you live a virtuous life, you will have the confidence, power, and strength necessary to climb. You will also be blessed with the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Follow the promptings that you receive. Act upon them. Like the cairns on a trail less traveled, the Holy Ghost will show you all things you should do (see  2 Nephi 32:5). He will teach and testify of Christ, who has “marked the path and led the way” (“How Great the Wisdom and the Love,” Hymns, no. 195)."

I don't have to run and it's not a race.  But I have to keep climbing. And if an occasional stumble leaves me rolling down back in the willows, I don't have to listen to Satan's lies that that's where I belong.  I can get right back up, look to the Savior and resume the climb.  


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