Kingdoms of Heaven


D&C 76 revealed glorious truths about what happens after we die.  It expands our knowledge about the kingdoms of Heaven and helps us understand a bit more the depth of our Heavenly Parents' love.   

The three kingdoms make Heaven a more inclusive place than sometimes imagined or taught.  It explains that there are places for us all and gives us hope for the hereafter and thus hope for today, even in spite of our human frailties and weaknesses.

I think one of the greatest things that speaks to me about it is that I don't have to worry so much about where others will end up.  God has a plan.  A Savior has been provided for us all and while I still need to testify of truth, I can also focus on showing love to others- and that is a beautiful thing.

And that leaves me able to focus on my own spirituality and choices.  But I don't need to always be so hard on myself.  Elder J Devn Cornish reassured, "If you will really try and will not rationalize or rebel—repenting often and pleading for grace—you positively are going to be “good enough.”

Am I really trying or just going through the motions? Am I rationalizing, or am I accepting responsibility and actively seeking to improve? Am I rebelling or seeking humility and repentance when needed? 

Those are some guiding questions that can help me approach this final one.

Do my current choices help me feel and access my Savior's love and grace, which reflects that which is calling me home?  My place is waiting.  


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