Pretty Close

I was looking back at a past journal entry on my health habits.  I had been on a trip and had tried to be more intentional about my choices.  But this is what I wrote about one habit that needed some work:

I still tracked what I ate and kept coming in "pretty close" to my goal. And sure enough pretty close to my little goals won't get me to my big goals.  I was just a bit lazy on that.

There are definitely places where we need to give ourselves grace and accept our best efforts.  But here I was clearly noting a pattern where I was getting sloppy.  

And if I'm honest with myself it's a good time for me to see if there are some small goals I can tighten up that might better get me to where I want to be. 

As we read in Alma 37:6, "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."

In many cases "pretty close" on the small goals won't get me to the big ones.  


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