The Desert Shall Rejoice

 The beauty of this desert scene was breathtaking to me today. The plants have adapted to thrive on the intermittent and fluctuating rains.  The colors and contrasts of even the storm clouds brought a deep beauty to the canvas. 

I wondered what the earliest people and later the settlers first thought when they encountered this land.  I wondered how the beauty has spoken to so many others over time.

God's promises are sure.  We don't have to fear that He won't be able to make more out of our deserts than seems possible.  

Like the pioneers, we can go to work and trust that He will guide us and build amazing things upon our efforts. 

Speaking of the early Pioneers, President Hinckley stated, "We cannot detract from their accomplishments. We cannot add to their glory. We can only look back with reverence, appreciation, respect, and resolution to build on what they have done.

The time has now come to turn about and face the future. This is a season of a thousand opportunities. It is ours to grasp and move forward. What a wonderful time it is for each of us to do his or her small part in moving the work of the Lord on to its magnificent destiny."

The time has come to face the future, to find our opportunities and to move forward in step with the Lord.  We each have a part to play.  We each have some deserts ready to bloom!


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