To Not Always Chide


I was feeling frustrated that some chores and responsibilities had been overlooked/ignored/disregarded.  It's something that can pull me from 0 to 60 very quickly.  It's not my favorite thing about me, but I also don't think wanting my people to be responsible is all bad either.  

Too often I take it personally and feel like cavalier attitudes toward dishes, cleaning up, or following through with commitments are cavalier attitudes toward me. 

Strangely enough nagging doesn't work.  😂 I've tried.  Natural consequences work sometimes, but often since they genuinely don't sense or care about the physical presence of the house or feel the responsibility of following through on their word to the same level as I do, I'm the one who actually feels it.

Today as I was sitting in frustration pondering a better approach, I turned to the scriptures and prayer and I read this passage. 

Psalm 103:8-9 

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

I need to be slower to anger.  I know I won't be perfect but I can work on being slower.  I need to be more plenteous in my mercy.  I can still uphold justice along with lots of mercy.  God does it for me all the time. 

And I need to not always chide.  Which means what? To scold, nag or rail.  😬

I actually like that it says not always.  I don't have to be perfect.  There may even be occasional times a scolding is necessary.  But not all the time and it shouldn't be my go to response.   And when the anger does boil up I need to not hold onto it.

And now to put it into practice....


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