
 I love the Olympics.  It's a time for countries to come together as we watch athletes visibly show us what dedication and hard work can look like.  What true self-discipline can allow the human body to achieve.  And that some days things just don't go our way and it's someone else's turn to shine.

There are often small stories behind the scenes full of inspiration and beautiful human spirit.  There are moments that showcase the entire breadth of human emotion.  Sprinter Alysson Felix shared about one of those - fear- and some inspiring thoughts on one of the lessons she has learned. 


When I line up for a race I’m normally afraid. Of course, I’m always a little nervous, but if I’m honest I’m afraid.

I’ve never been afraid of my competitors, I’m willing to race whoever whenever. In the past I’ve lost major races to people who have gone on to test positive and again if I’m honest, I knew they had an unfair advantage before I lined up next to them, but I’ve never been afraid of them and I won’t be afraid of my future

competitors either.

I’m not afraid of losing. I lose much more than I win. That’s life and I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. I’ve found that I learn more from my losses and that I have gained much more value in the journey toward a goal than achieving that goal. I’ll line up, I’ll give my best and I will either win or lose and that doesn’t scare me.

I’m afraid of letting people down. Of letting myself down. I hold myself to such high standards and I’m realizing as I’m sitting here the night before my final individual Olympic final that in a lot of ways I’ve let my performances define my worth. I’ve been afraid that my worth is tied to whether or not I win or lose. But right now I’ve decided to leave that fear behind. To understand that I am enough.

I’m not sharing this note for me. I’m sharing it for any other athletes who are defining themselves by their medal count. I’m writing this for any woman who defines her worth based on whether or not she’s married or has kids. I’m writing it for anyone who thinks that the people you look up to on TV are any different than you. I get afraid just like you, but you are so much more than enough. So take off the weight of everyone else’s expectations of you. Know that there is freedom on the other side of your fear. Go out there and be brave with your life because you are worthy of your dreams."

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Thank you Alysson Felix for sharing your dream with us all! My body will never be able to do what yours can, but I can know that I will lose more than I win.  That injustices will sometimes happen.  That others may not recognize the invisible medals I've earned in my life.  But that my inherent worth is just that - inherent, or a part of me that can't be changed.


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