Feeling the Holy Ghost


When Ella was little she one day came to me quite upset.  She had learned in Family Home Evening and at Primary about the Holy Ghost but she didn't think she had ever felt it.   

We spent some time reassuring her and reading about the many different ways people might feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Feelings, being moved to tears at times, thoughts, whispering, clarity, warmth, etc.  

Her siblings shared their experiences and we read scriptures together.  Yet none of them resonated with her.  

She became discouraged.  We encouraged her to be patient.  Then in preparation for a Stake Conference we were issued a challenge to read a specific scripture as a family 2 Ne 32:4-5. 

We followed the challenge because it's a pattern that has richly blessed our lives.  

"Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark.

For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do."

As we read, I realized that as a family we had been praying FOR her but maybe this was something she needed to ask and feel for herself.  I told her that we trusted she would feel and know for herself and that while none of us could understand how it would feel for her, Heavenly Father did and He would help her. We counseled her to keep praying. 

Several days later she came running in with excitement.  

"Mom! Do you know how I feel the Holy Ghost? You know how when I'm in your bed in the middle between you and dad and it feels safe and cozy? That's how it feels for me."

And I tearfully gave a prayer of gratitude for this sweet girl and a sweet answered prayer.

Never think that because you feel and experience things differently it means it's not as real for you.  The uniquely personal and individual ministering of the Savior's love through the Holy Ghost is one of the most beautiful parts of the Doctrine of Christ.   Sometimes your just have to be patient.


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