Observe Then Serve

 I desperately needed to run some errands today.   I was feeling pretty run down from my meds, so I asked Ella to come along and be my runner.  She is always a good sport about that.

She ran packages into the post office.  She helped me itemize the list of Goodwill donations and take them inside.  We did curbside pickup at Kohl's for some last minute college shopping.  And then we needed to get groceries.  

As we approached the store Ella casually asked when the last time we checked in with our ministering sisters was.  I felt a quick pang of guilt; it's been a busy summer.  I had prayed for them, but I agreed that it had been too long and said we would have to add that to our list and figure out when to do it. 

She looked at me and simply asked, "Could we pick up some of these flowers and take them to them on our way home?"

I didn't feel great.  I hadn't gotten ready to go visiting.  I didn't have a plan.  But here I was with my daughter and her willing heart and some beautiful mums.  Was I really going to crush that? To miss this opportunity? 

So I swallowed my pride and rounded up a bit of energy and said yes.

We got to our first stop and this time Ella asked me, "Is this a quick drop off or can I talk a bit and see what they really need?"  This girl!!! She gets it!

Two were still quick stops which was what the families needed.  But one was a chance for us to catch up.  And all three brought a bit of light into my heart.  

All afternoon a talk by President Linda Burton has been replaying in my head.  I finally went back and read it.  Here is the part I was remembering:

"Did you hear it—the invitation to love one another? For some, serving or ministering one by one, following the Savior’s example, doesn’t come easily. But with practice, each of us can become more like the Savior as we serve God’s children. To help us better love one another, I would like to suggest four words to remember: “First observe, then serve.”

Too often we miss the myriad of little opportunities while waiting to finally orchestrate the big ones. 

Thank you, Ella, for putting that principal into action.


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