Golden Years

 Yesterday as I finished teaching seminary, I glanced out the window and saw the tell-tale hue of a beautiful sunrise coming.  

One place I've had to sacrifice a bit is losing my opportunity to go early and stop at Fiddler Pond on my way to work.  It's a sacrifice worth making, but as I drove I saw the makings of an explosion of beauty and color and decided to stop for at least a few moments.

Actually it would be more accurate to say I was pulled in.

I quickly parked my car and jogged to the edge of the water and began snapping pictures but also pausing and letting the sounds of the geese taking morning flight intermix with the gentle lapping of the water.

The reflective nature of the water was near magical and the colors met the sky at the horizon as the sun made her grand entrance. 

Finally, knowing that there would be students and families waiting at the door, I turned to leave.  As I headed across the grass I passed an elderly couple walking hand in hand.  I smiled and said hello and then hurried to my car.  

As I reached for the door handle, I turned and looked over my shoulder and saw the most beautiful sight.  There they stood, unconsciously leaning into one another, as they paused to take in the overwhelming creation before them. 

Reflexively, I snapped another photo to capture the moment.  Realizing I would now be late and need to apologize to colleagues, I decided my pictures would have to serve as my pass.  I knew there was one more thing I had to do.

I jogged back to the couple and showed them the picture and took a moment to text it to them. 

Then off to work I went.  My pictures were indeed enough to explain by tardiness.  My boss knows me well.

All day long I thought of that couple and the exquisite  beauty of them together at that point in their lives, simply taking in a moment together. 

President Ezra Taft Benson said, "Our desires are that your golden years will be wonderful and rewarding. We pray that you will feel the joy of a life well-spent and one filled with fond memories and even greater expectations through Christ’s atonement. We hope you will feel of the peace the Lord promised those who continue to strive to keep His commandments and follow His example. We hope your days are filled with things to do and ways in which you can render service to others who are not as fortunate as you. Older almost always means better, for your wealth of wisdom and experience can continue to expand and increase as you reach out to others."

I was blessed by this couple as I have been by the wisdom of my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and so many dear friends.  

I look forward to the day I can have more of those moments but for today I am thankful I caught a moment of what life may someday have ahead. I hope I am building a relationship that will lead to a day just like this.


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