I Will Fight Your Battles


Life can be difficult.  We are asked to do hard things.  

And good, beautiful, wonderful things.  

But the hard things are still hard.   

Yet there is a simple but profound promise we can trust in.  D & C 105:14.

"For behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil—I will fight your battles."

He will fight our battles.  If we trust and follow Him.  We aren't alone.  He is bigger than our problems, bigger than our plans and knows how to bring out our hidden greatness. 

He said that even after Zion's Camp had gotten off track.  Even  after he said they would have to "wait a little while for the redemption of Zion".  There were consequences to their actions.  But He was still on their side. He sent a storm to stop their enemies.  

And He will be on our side too.

"I will fight your battles."


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