
 I was thinking about Labor Day and the privilege and blessing but also obligation we have to work hard and be a productive part of our communities.

Heavenly Father said to Adam and Eve in Gen 3:19, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread... cursed is the ground for thy sake".

It is for our sake, or for our good that we need to work to receive what we need.  It is a Heavenly law and requirement.  It does much for improving our health, both mental and physical.  

There are many forms of work, some we are paid for and some we are not.  But work is a Godly principle.

Elder Richard L Evans taught, "Much restlessness and difficulty on the part of young people comes because they have often been overly insulated from challenging and meaningful assignments, with an overemphasis on leisure and on working less and less. Even if a person has all the wealth he wants, he still needs to work for the sake of his soul—and the same is true of those who have learned to live on very little. Work is a physical and spiritual necessity."

So let's pick up our initiative and get to work.  Or in Mr. Rogers' words "Let's make the most of this beautiful day."


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